GPS to GPX definitions
As per 18 March 2020
Rallycheck uses GPX files for defining waypoints (route controls or RC’s) in the app.
Rallycheck also uses self-defined extensions in order to define all types of “rally” options for RC’s. This page shows the current definitions of the RC’s and it’s extensions. This definition can be used bij software programs connecting to the Rallycheck app.
Please only use extensions for non default values. When using the default, please omit the extensions from your XML.
The following code shows an example of the definition.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gpx version="1.1" creator="Rallycheck" xmlns="" xmlns:gpxx = ""> <wpt lat="4.47518234141171" lon="52.192538939416409"> <name>X</name> <extensions> <gpxx:WaypointExtension> <gpxx:Proximity>45</gpxx:Proximity> <gpxx:Directsave>False</gpxx:Directsave> <gpxx:BearingEnabled>False</gpxx:BearingEnabled> <gpxx:Bearing>0</gpxx:Bearing> <gpxx:BearingDeviation>22.5</gpxx:BearingDeviation> <gpxx:Instruction>HK EL</gpxx:Instruction> <gpxx:Showspeed>False</gpxx:Showspeed> <gpxx:Showtime>False</gpxx:Showtime> <gpxx:RCType>RC</gpxx:RCType> <gpxx:TimeToSave>60</gpxx:TimeToSave> </gpxx:WaypointExtension> </extensions> </wpt> </gpx>
Optional field.
Default value: 45 meters.
Allowed values: integer or 2 decimal floating point
Implemented in app.
The proximity to the RC in meters. The app will detect the RC when the app is within the proximity in meters to the RC.
Optional field.
Default value: False
Allowed values: True, False
Implemented in app.
This extension wil save the RC without the option for the user te discard it. Normally a user can chose to save the RC. When the value of Directsave is true, the user has no choice and the RC will be saved.
Optional field.
Default value: False
Allowed values: True, False
Implemented in app.
This extension defines if the Bearing is used for a specific Waypoint.
Optional field.
Default value: (empty)
Allowed values: integer, 0 – 360
Implemented in app.
This extension defines the bearing the smartphone is traveling in. If the smartphone is traveling in this direction than the waypoint will be “discovered”. If the smartphone is traveling in a different direction, the waypoint will not be shown to the user.
The value of Bearing is in compass degrees. North = 0; South = 180 etc.
The default behavior of the Rallycheck app is to allways show a RC, independent of the bearing.
Optional field.
Default value: 22.5
Allowed values: Integer or Floating point, one decimal, 0-180
Implemented in app.
This extension defines the deviation to the Bearing that is accepted by the Rallycheck app when determining the Bearing in which the smartphone is traveling. This extension is only used in conjunction with the Bearing extension. If the Bearing extension is not used (or is empty) the BearingDeviation will be ignored.
For example, a smartphone, traveling exactly from east to west has a Bearing of 270 (degrees). However, it is unlikely that the GPS bearing will exactly match the value in the Bearing field, each and every time for each and every moving smartphone.
With a BearingDeviation of 22.5 (degrees) all dirctions from 247.5 degrees to 292.5 degrees are accepted as valid by the Rallycheck app.
Optional field.
Default value: (empty)
Allowed value: text
Implemented in app.
This extension enables an instruction to be shown to the user of the Rallycheck app. Too long text messages will be truncated.
For example: HK EL DMP3
“Hier Keren, Einde Links, Door met Punt/Pijl 3”
“Turn here, end left, continue with point/arrow 3”
Optional field.
Default value: False
Implemented in app.
Using this extension will display the speed of the smartphone at the moment the RC is detected. The speed will be shown beneath the RC name on the control card.
Optional field.
Default value: False
Implemented in app.
Using this extension will display the GPS time at the moment the RC is detected. The time will be shown beneath the RC name on the control card.
Optional field.
Default value: RC
Allowed Value: text
Partialy implemented, see following definitions.
This extension qualifies the Control type. The following controls are possible.
- RC (Default)
- START – implemented
- FINISH – implemented
- TC- implemented
- TC-IN- implemented
- TC-FINISH- implemented
Optional field.
Default value: 60
Allowed value: integer
Implemented in app.
Time in seconds. This field describes the time in which a contestant can click the save button of a route control.
We strongly urge you NOT to use this option. It is confusing for contestants to encounter route controls with variable save times.
This option is available for development purposes.