Version release Apple iOS

Rallycheck is being actively updated. This page shows the current and previous releases for the Apple iOS version.
Rallycheck is available for iOS and Android.
The most recent version is available at the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store

Apple Version 1.14.11 Build 8.49 Release – 17 june 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to join a Rally by entering a Rally Code provided by the rally-organisation.

Apple Version 1.14.09 Build 8.47 Release – 03 june 2024

  • Improved – The Tripmaster-bar now automatically resets when starting a regularity test.

Apple Version 1.14.07 Build 8.45 Release – 12 march 2024

  • Improved – The Tripmaster-bar now lets you track intervals-distances in addition to your main Tripmaster-distance. It now also includes a timer.

Apple Version 1.14.05 Build 8.43 Release – 15 november 2023

  • Improved – It is now possible to select a Rally before it has started, letting you get set up for the event ahead of time.

Apple Version 1.14.00 Build 8.38 Release – 14 february 2023

  • Improved – Reliability around START and FINISH controls

Apple Version 1.13.05 Build 8.37 Release – 06 december 2022

  • Improved – Support for iOS 16

Apple Version 1.13.04 Build 8.36 Release – 24 november 2022

  • Improved – Reliability around FINISH controls

Apple Version 1.13.03 Build 8.35 Release – 21 november 2022

  • Added – FINISH-controls are no longer shown when there is no Rally being actively driven
  • Added – The Rallycheck-app has more information regarding the Leg/Stage each controls belongs to

Apple Version 1.13.02 Build 8.34 Release – 05 october 2022

  • Improved – Support for controls with a time window, allowing them to be active through midnight

Apple Version 1.13.01 Build 8.33 Release – 04 october 2022

  • Improved – Accuracy for GPS-measurements on small roads

Apple Version 1.13.00 Build 8.32 Release – 28 september 2022

  • Added – Visual indications for Road Book Instructions, which do not count towards any results
  • Added – Support for Marshal-operated TC-IN and TC-FINISH controls
  • Improved – Storage efficiency
  • Improved – Resolved several minor issues

Apple Version 1.12.00 Build 8.31 Release – 06 september 2022

  • Added – Option to change the phone number associated with your account
  • Added – Support for controls with a specific time period, giving Organisers more control over the rally-routes

Apple Version 1.11.02 Build 8.30 Release – 08 august 2022

  • Improved – The Select Rally-menu now shows future Rallies that are not yet active

Apple Version 1.10.01 Build 8.26 Release – 20 june 2022

  • Improved – Communication with Rallycheck-servers
  • Improved – Adjusted Manual Entry-process to prevent duplicate control-cards being submitted
  • Improved – Support for control-images

Apple Version 1.9.00 Build 8.23 Release – 29 march 2022

  • Updated – manual entry with 6 passage controls per row
  • Added – Participants information visible on the screen for manual entry rallies
  • Added – optional results menu visible for manual entry rallies
  • Added – extra validation of a time window for manual entry of passage controls

Apple Version 1.8.01 build 8.22 Release – 2 march 2022

  • Added – support of participants manual input of the control card in the Rallycheck app

Apple Version 1.7.15 build 8.20 Release – 14 february 2022

  • Added – select a control to view information full screen
  • Added – the possibility to delete the last route control, when enabled by the rally organization

Apple Version 1.7.14 build 8.19 Release – 12 january 2022

  • Added – support of quiet zones with QZ-Entry and QZ-Exit controls

Apple Version 1.7.13 build 8.17 Release – 1 december 2021

  • Added – extended communication about phone type to servers

Apple Version 1.7.12 build 8.15 Release – 29 november 2021

  • Added – support of the TC-MARSHAL control

Apple Version 1.7.11 build 8.14 Release – 25 october 2021

  • Added – the ability to receive messages form the rally organisation during the rally

Apple Version 1.7.10 build 8.13 Release – 11 october 2021

  • Bug fix – possible iOS index out of bounds error when selecting a rally

Apple Version 1.7.9 build 8.12 Release – 27 september 2021

  • Improved – manually saving a “Direct Save” control in the last second has been updated

Apple Version 1.7.8 build 8.11 Release – 21 september 2021

  • Added – identifying when the Rallycheck app is pushed to the background

Apple Version 1.7.7 build 8.10 Release – 1 september 2021

  • Improved – Time Control hit tracking extended status

Apple Version 1.7.6 build 8.9 Release – 23 august 2021

  • Added – extended status options for hit way points

Apple Version 1.7.5 build 8.7 Release – 12 august 2021

  • Improved – extra alert when attempting to select a rally when no internet connection is available
  • Added – non verified users are requested to verify their Rallycheck account

Apple Version 1.7.4 build 8.6 Release – 9 august 2021

  • Improved – alert when Location services are not available for Rallycheck

Apple Version 1.7.3 build 8.5 Release – 29 june 2021

  • Improved – smoothness of menu animation for iOS 14.5 and higher
  • Improved – changing of Miles and Kilometers is only available on the settings page
  • Updated – compass, GPS and speed information is enlarged

Apple Version 1.7.2 build 8.1 Release – 1 june 2021

  • Added – enhanced security between rallies retrieval and the end user

Apple Version 1.7.1 build 8.0 Release – 30 april 2021

  • Added – Multi language support, intially English (default), Dutch, German, Spanish, French and Swedish

Apple Version 1.7.0 build 7.9 Release – 14 april 2021

  • Improved – logging for possible app errors and crashes

Apple Version 1.6.9 build 7.8 Release – 9 april 2021

  • Added – support for images as route controls, time controls, etc.

Apple Version 1.6.8 build 7.7 Release – 23 march 2021

  • Added – pop up message to the results page when a stage has finished
  • Improved – communication with the servers

Apple Version 1.6.7 build 7.6 Release – 11 march 2021

  • Improved – navigation for extra results menu

Apple Version 1.6.6 build 7.5 Release – 16 february 2021

  • Added – Extra menu and pages for:
    • Information about the rally
    • Participants lists
    • Starting lists
    • Results

Apple Version 1.6.5 build 7.4 Release – 2 november 2020

  • Bug Fix – support of changed iOS 14 handling of StackView on foreground

Apple Version 1.6.4 build 7.3 Release – 16 october 2020

  • Added – TC-Start control
  • Added – Ideal passage time per control (optional) including time window
  • Improved – User Interface for timers

Apple Version 1.6.3 build 7.0 Release – 20 september 2020

  • Added – support for miles per hour
  • Improved – communication with servers

Apple Version 1.6.2 build 6.7 Release – 24 july 2020

  • Improved – registration of a control which is passed en reencountered
  • Added – extra optimization of waypoint sync due to realm library bug

Apple Version 1.6.1 build 6.4 Release – 8 july 2020

  • Improved – backup of route controls

Apple Version 1.6.0 build 6.3 Release – 4 july 2020

  • Updated – initial GPS fix for some iOS versions when no rally is selected

Apple Version 1.5.9 build 6.2 Release – 2 july 2020

  • Improved user experience
  • Update async upload protocol
  • Added selection for changing volume when the app starts and the volume is under 40%

Apple Version 1.5.8 build 5.5 Release – 18 june 2020

  • Added Tripmaster function
  • Added resend email verification in “Settings” menu
  • Added resend phone verification in “Settings” menu
  • Updated reload of waypoints each time the app is started
  • Updated non dismissal of route control when a TC is detected from an incorrect bearing

Apple Version 1.5.7 build 5.1 Release – 20 march 2020

  • Updated selection for country code when registering account

Apple Version 1.5.6 Release – 10 march 2020

  • Added Class name on “Select Rally” page (when available)
  • Added Starting no. on “Select Rally” page (when available)
  • Added Starting no. and Class to header
  • Added participants name to header (when available and after clicking the header)
  • Updated database Database to show participants name, Class and Starting no.

Apple Version 1.5.5 build 4.6 Release – 13 february 2020

  • Added check voor correct driving direction when encountering a passage or time control
  • Updated padding of pop up controls for iPhones with notch interface
  • Multiple package updates (database, progress bar, images, fonts)

Apple Version 1.5.4 build 4.5 Release – 21 january 2020

  • Improved display of running TC time

Apple Version 1.5.3 build 4.4 Release – 14 january 2020

  • Added TC-IN
  • Added TC-FINISH
  • Improved registration of TC savetime
  • Technical updates of some program libraries

Apple Version 1.5.2 build 4.2 Release – 20 december 2019

  • Version number moved to the bottom of the menu screen
  • Added “Change Volume” to settings
  • Time Control (TC) function added
  • Compass icon now follows the direction of movement
  • Dynamic ons screen information added with the following data: Hit time, TC time, speed and instruction
  • Menu screen scaling improved for landscape and horizontal views
  • Text scaling improved for iOS 10
  • Network time out extended to 30 seconds
  • Passage controle scaling improved
  • Some technical improvements

Apple Version 1.5.1 build 4.0 Release – 3 december 2019

  • Updated selection for country code when registering account

Apple Version 1.5 build 3.9 Release – 23 november 2019

  • Added cancel button to route control

Apple Version 1.4 build 3.8 Release – 19 november 2019

  • Update rally status logic in source code
  • Update phone number selection for iOS 13
  • Update for iOS 13 dark mode
  • Updated notification icon
  • Improved check to prevent multiple showing of route controls
  • Enhanced communication to server, more smartphone information available
  • Updated new libraries for iOS 13
  • Added Appcenter analytics for enhanced error managment

Apple Version 1.3 build 3.1. Release – 10 september 2019

  • Countdown timer added to show remaining time for saving a RC
  • Rallies are listedin alphabetical order
  • Improved user interface
  • Rally always set to active when passing a RC

Apple Version 1.2 build 2.9 Release – 6 september 2019

  • Improved user interface
  • Improved user feedback
  • Improved iOS 10 support
  • Improved iOS 11 support

Apple Version 1.1 build 2.7  Release – 19 august 2019

  • Improved waypoint handeling
  • Improved timing when driving
  • Improved data handeling
  • Improved the user experience

Apple Version 1.0 build 2.7  Release – 15 august 2019

  • Initial release of iOS version of Rallycheck

Version release Android

Rallycheck is being actively updated. This page shows the current and previous releases for Android phones.
Rallycheck is available for iOS and Android.
The most recent version is available at the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store

Android Version 1.14.12 Build 118 Release – 17 juni 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to join a Rally using a Rally Code provided by the rally-organiser.

Android Version 1.14.11 Build 116 Release – 03 juni 2024

  • Improved – The Tripmaster-bar now resets itself automatically whenever a regularity test is started.

Android Version 1.14.09 Build 115 Release – 12 march 2024

  • Improved – The Tripmaster-bar now lets you track intervals-distances in addition to your main Tripmaster-distance. It now also includes a timer.

Android Version 1.14.05 Build 111 Release – 15 november 2023

  • Improved – It is now possible to select an upcoming Rally before it has started, letting to get set up for the event ahead of time.

Android Version 1.14.00 Build 107 Release – 14 february 2023

  • Improved – Reliability around START and FINISH controls

Android Version 1.13.05 Build 106 Release – 06 december 2022

  • Improved – Graceful handling of expired authentication tokens

Android Version 1.13.04 Build 105 Release – 24 november 2022

  • Improved – Reliability for preventing accidental Stage-starts

Android Version 1.13.03 Build 104 Release – 21 november 2022

  • Added – Logic to prevent accidental Stage-starts after hitting a FINISH-control without driving the Stage
  • Added – The Rallycheck-app can better track which Leg and Stage are currently being driven

Android Version 1.13.02 Build 103 Release – 01 november 2022

  • Improved – Support for Samsung devices with outdated GPS firmware

Android Version 1.13.01 Build 102 Release – 05 october 2022

  • Improved – Expanded time windows for controls to support night-rallies with controls active around 00:00

Android Version 1.13.00 Build 101 Release – 28 september 2022

  • Added – Visual indications for Road Book Instructions, which do not count towards any results
  • Added – Support for Marshal-operated TC-IN and TC-FINISH controls
  • Improved – Storage efficiency
  • Improved – Resolved several minor issues

Android Version 1.12.00 Build 100 Release – 06 september 2022

  • Added – Option to change the phone number associated with your account
  • Added – Support for controls with a specific time period, giving Organisers more control over the rally-routes

Android Version 1.11.01 Build 99 Release – 15 august 2022

  • Improved – Expanded Account-options

Android Version 1.11.00 Build 98 Release – 08 august 2022

  • Improved – The Select Rally-menu now shows future Rallies that are not yet active

Android Version 1.10.01 Build 97 Release – 20 june 2022

  • Improved – Communication with Rallycheck-servers
  • Improved – Adjusted Manual Entry-process to prevent duplicate control-cards being submitted
  • Improved – Reliability for the Manual Entry-keyboard

Android Version 1.9.00 Build 95 Release – 29 march 2022

  • Updated – manual entry with 6 passage controls per row
  • Added – Participants information visible on the screen for manual entry rallies
  • Added – optional results menu visible for manual entry rallies
  • Added – extra validation of a time window for manual entry of passage controls

Android Version 1.8.00 Build 94 Release – 2 march 2022

  • Added – support of participants manual input of the control card in the Rallycheck app
  • Updated – version number to synchronize with iOS app

Android Version 0.2.75 Build 92 Release – 14 february 2022

  • Added – select a control to view information full screen
  • Added – the possibility to delete the last route control, when enabled by the rally organization

Android Version 0.2.74 Build 91 Release – 12 january 2022

  • Added – support of quiet zones with QZ-Entry and QZ-Exit controls

Android Version 0.2.73 Build 90 Release – 29 november 2021

  • Added – support of the TC-MARSHAL control

Android Version 0.2.72 Build 89 Release – 3 november 2021

  • Improved – updating hit waypoints to the Rallycheck servers
  • Updated – new Android libraries

Android Version 0.2.71 Build 88 Release – 25 october 2021

  • Added – the ability to receive messages form the rally organisation during the rally

Android Version 0.2.70 Build 87 Release – 27 september 2021

  • Bug Fix – addressed problem of a potential Android memory leak
  • Improved – registering multiple (3 or more) overlapped Direct Save controls

Android Version 0.2.69 Build 85 Release – 21 september 2021

  • Added – identifying when the Rallycheck app is pushed to the background

Android Version 0.2.68 Build 84 Release – 13 september 2021

  • Improved – handeling of a potential server time out

Android Version 0.2.67 Build 83 Release – 23 august 2021

  • Added – extended status options for hit way points

Android Version 0.2.66 Build 81 Release – 16 august 2021

  • Improved – extra check for unavailable internet connection when looking up verification status of a user

Android Version 0.2.65 Build 80 Release – 12 august 2021

  • Added – non verified users are requested to verify their Rallycheck account

Android Version 0.2.64 Build 79 Release – 9 august 2021

  • Improved – alert when Location services are not available for Rallycheck

Android Version 0.2.63 Build 76 Release – 28 june 2021

  • Improved – selection of results page in the app is improved
  • Improved – support of larger images in the app
  • Improved – changing of Miles and Kilometers is only available on the settings page
  • Updated – compass, GPS and speed information is enlarged

Android Version 0.2.62 Build 75 Release – 1 june 2021

  • Added – enhanced security between rallies retrieval and the end user
  • Improved – extra check  for the correct orientation of the phone

Android Version 0.2.61 Build 73 Release – 11 may 2021

  • Added – Multi language support, intially English (default), Dutch, German, Spanish, French and Swedish

Android Version 0.2.60 Build 72 Release – 28 april 2021

  • Improved – some minor text changes

Android Version 0.2.59 Build 71 Release – 19 april 2021

  • Improved – playing a sound when a control is displayed

Android Version 0.2.58 Build 70 Release – 14 april 2021

  • Improved – logging for possible app errors and crashes

Android Version 0.2.57 Build 69 Release – 8 april 2021

  • Added – support for images as route controls, time controls, etc.

Android Version 0.2.56 Build 67 Release – 7 april 2021

  • Improved – In-app results for display of pdf explanation documents

Android Version 0.2.55 Build 66 Release – 23 march 2021

  • Added – pop up message to the results page when a stage has finished

Android Version 0.2.54 Build 65 Release – 10 march 2021

  • Improved – navigation for extra results menu

Android Version 0.2.53 Build 64 Release – 25 february 2021

  • General improvements
  • Improved – display of info and results page

Android Version 0.2.52 Build 62 Release – 16 february 2021

  • Added – Extra menu and pages for:
    • Information about the rally
    • Participants lists
    • Starting lists
    • Results

Android Version 0.2.51 Build 61 Release – 22 october 2020

  • Improved – user interface, upper and lowercase support

Android Version 0.2.50 Build 60 Release – 15 october 2020

  • Added – TC-Start control
  • Added – Ideal passage time per control (optional) including time window

Android Version 0.2.49 Build 58 Release – 17 september 2020

  • Added – support for miles per hour
  • Improved – selection of rally
  • Updated – message when no rallies kan be selected
  • Improved – communication with servers

Android Version 0.2.48 Build 53 Release – 17 july 2020

  • Added – support for international character sets for passage controls and instructions

Android Version 0.2.47 Build 52 Release – 1 july.2020

  • Improved – user experience

Android Version 0.2.46 Release – 18 june 2020

  • Added – tripmaster function
  • Added – resend email verification in “Settings” menu
  • Added – resend phone verification in “Settings” menu
  • Updated – non dismissal of route control when a TC is detected from an incorrect bearing

Android Version 0.2.45 Release – 10 march 2020

  • New icons (same as used in iOS)
    • Car icoon
    • Clear card
    • Home
    • Settings
    • Logout
  • Header the same as in iOS
  • Updated header with participants information after clicking on header (when available)
  • Updated header with Starting no. and Class
  • Bug-Fix waypoint sorting algorithm
  • Added Class name on “Select Rally” page (when available)
  • Added Starting no. on “Select Rally” page (when available)
  • Send app version with each call to server
  • Enlarged text “You have selected.. etc”
  • Disabled splitscreen posibility
  • Settings -> information is refreshed each time the page is viewed (restart app no longer necessary)

Android Version 0.2.44 Release – 25 february 2020

  • Bug fix added cancel button for all Finish controls
  • Improved registration of Longitude and Latitude coordinates in database

Android Version 0.2.43 Release – 12 february 2020

  • Added check voor correct driving direction when encountering a passage or time control

Android Version 0.2.42 Release – 21 january 2020

  • Improved display of running TC time
  • TC-FINISH is only visible in the TC zone

Android Version 0.2.41 Release – 14 january 2020

  • Added TC-IN
  • Added TC-FINISH
  • Send route logs to the servers using batch process

Android Version 0.2.40 Release – 19 december 2019

  • Time control (TC) function added
  • Dynamic ons screen information added with the following data: Hit time, TC time, speed and instruction
  • Passage controle on screen scaling improved
  • Some technical improvements

Android Version 0.2.39 Release – 3 december 2019

  • Improved communications module for logs and controls
  • Increased internet timeout to 30 seconds

Android Version 0.2.38 Release – 22 november 2019

  • Added cancel button to route control
  • Improved interface presentation

Android Version 0.2.37 Release – 18 november 2019

  • Persist service removed due to Android version 10
  • Exit app menu option removed
  • Enhanced information exchange with server, smartphone information upload
  • Updated some software pakages and plug-ins
  • GPS enhancements
    • GPS status shows OFF when GPS access is disabled
    • Error message when the app starts up with GPS OFF
    • If the GPS signal is lost for more than 5 minutes, the user will be prompted for restart of the app. This is necessary for some Huawei phones.
  • Text “inactive” removed

Android Version 0.2.36  Release –  11 september 2019

  • Bugfix for non-responsive but seemingly active internet connection
  • Rally always set to active when passing a RC

Android Version 0.2.35  Release –  9 september 2019

  • Added settings page
  • RC’s are sent to the server only once
  • The Start RC is sent to the server immediately
  • Countdown timer added to show how much time is left to save an RC
  • No GPS icon replaced bij text and is red when no GPS
  • Rallies are displayed alphabetically in the list
  • Bug Fixes

Android Version 0.2.34  Release – 31 juli 2019

  • New design
  • Improved support of active rally
  • Bug Fixes

Version 0.2.30  Release – 1 july 2019

  • Updated user experience, route control appearance changed
  • Colours indicate different type of route controls
  • Menu moved to top left
  • Menu experience updated to best practice for Android phones
  • Improved log-in screen
  • Forgot password option added
  • Improved robustness to save information when the app is closed or phone is shut down during a rally
  • GPS icon at the bottom of the screen updated
  • Compass icon updated to include the driving direction in text

Version 0.2.26  Release – 26 april 2019

  • Standard maximum volume when a RC is detected
  • The sound is three times longer than normal and the Rallycheck app has it’s own sound
  • Added a check for newer version, if there is a newer version available, the app must be updated.

Version 0.2.24  Release – 28 march 2019

  • Logged positions are sent to the server every 3 minutes
  • A backup of RC’s is sent to the server every 3 minutes
  • Fix of database upgrade error when upgrading from release 0.2.22 to 0.2.23.

Version 0.2.23  Release – 27 march 2019

  • Logging of position implemented
  • All logged positions are sent to the server
  • Updated some pages for better user experience and consistency
  • Control card is sent per email, including a link to a map view of the route that was driven.

Version 0.2.22  Release – 25 march 2019

  • Instruction function added.

Version 0.2.21  Release – 22 march 2019

  • Showspeed function added
  • Showtime function added
  • TimeToSave function added
  • Email with control card sent to user after passing Finish control.

Version 0.2.18  Release – 20 march 2019

  • RC’s are saved in a database on the smartphone
  • Communication with theRallycheck server is validated at the user lever
  • Finish control added
  • The database on the smartphone is encrypted
  • The app can automatically load a route file without the need for selection of the route by the user
  • Bug fix create account function
  • All recorded RC’s are sent to the Rallycheck server after Finish has been confirmed.

Version 0.2.17  Release – 25 February 2019

  • Added some validations for phone number input
  • Added some validations for email input
  • Added some validations for password input
  • Minor lay-out changes.

Version 0.2 Release – 22 February 2019

  • Added mandatory user login and verification of account
  • Username shown in top right of screen
  • Removed “distance to point” menu option
  • Added version number to login screen
  • Added crash logging software for better support.

Test Release – 13 February 2019

  • Updated user interface for saving RC’s. No discard button, only save button
  • RC’s must saved within 60 seconds or they are automatically discarded
  • RC’s with “automatic save” option are saved within 10 seconds.

Test Release – 8 February 2019

  • Preliminary changes for multi-language support implemented, now all text in the app is in English
  • Fixed multiple display of RC’s when app has been loaded multiple times
  • Fixed initial loading of RC’s after update of app version
  • Added a database management system to the app.

Test Release – 18 January 2019

  • added route controls which will be saved automatically. The driver/navigator can not chose, the RC will be saved. In the future this can be used foor speed check of time control
  • added timer bar and function for auto save route controls, control is in view for 10 seconds
  • added automatic scrolling function. Most recent route controls are shown on screen
  • fixed issue with loading new version of app when route controls are in view
  • maximum time in which a route control is shown has been limited to the moment that the next route control is passed.

Test Release – 11 January 2019

  • added proximity per waypoint/route control, you can now define the radius around the route control. The route control will only be “seen” by the app within this radius.  The radius may differ per route control. Default 45 meters
  • updated compass icon for better visibility of the direction the car is driving in
  • the “oranje” route control sign stays in view until a choice is made to either save or discard the RC
  • updated many system internals.

Test Release – 28 December 2018

  • added GPS compass in the footer
  • added GPS error margin in meters. This is show in the footer area if a signal is available
  • security updates – fase 1:
    • all communication is encrypted (SSL)
    • access to server info only possible with extra (second) encryption key
    • GPX files no longer in use to prevent possible unintended download of waypoints
    • using proprietary file format and communication for GPS waypoints.

Test Release – 24 December 2018
– resolved error (crash) for older versions of Android OS
– time function works without GPS
– improved GPS active/inactive signal with timer
– fixed bug so RC’s can be revisited multiple times.

Test Release – 13 December 2018
– added functionality to support multiple simultaneous rally’s.

Test Release – 7 December 2018
– header changed to show username and loaded GPX file
– footer changed to show speed, GPS availability and GPS time
– layout RC section changed to show more RC’s.

Version release Management Portal

The Rallycheck Management Portal is a webbased environment that enables rally organizations to configure and manage rallies.
This page shows all the current and previous releases of the portal.
The Rallycheck Management Portal is available for rally organizations at

Version 1.9.241  Release – 27 june 2024

  • Improved – The Results Overview now shows which equipes have fully finished the Stage.
  • Improved – The Result Details page now shows a warning when an equipe has used more than one phone in a single Stage.

Version 1.9.238  Release – 17 june 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to generate Rally Codes, which can be entered by participants to automatically register themselves for your Rally.

Version 1.9.220  Release – 18 march 2024

  • Improved – The Participant-overview can now show which Participants have an active and properly functioning location tracker installed.

Version 1.9.219  Release – 07 march 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to reset the data-processing used for external GPS tracking data.

Version 1.9.218  Release – 01 march 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to create a mothercard without specific control coordinates for Manual Entry Rallies.

Version 1.9.217  Release – 19 february 2024

  • Improved – Greatly expanded startinglist functionalities.

Version 1.9.213  Release – 05 february 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to configure a Rally to use an external data source for GPS-tracking.

Version 1.9.211  Release – 22 january 2024

  • Added – Time-hits can now be removed through the timecard-popup.
  • Added – The Manual Entry Card can now be opened through the individual Result-page.

Version 1.9.210  Release – 21 december 2023

  • Added – Added a Quick Navigation menu to each individual Result-page, which can be used to quickly navigate to other Results through startingnumbers of Legs/Stages.
  • Added – The timecard of a result can now be openen through the individual Result-page.

Version 1.9.208  Release – 27 november 2023

  • Improved – Improved performance of the Results-overview
  • Added – It is now possbible to view a snapshot of the state of the Mothercard at the time a result was first calculated.

Version 1.9.207  Release – 21 november 2023

  • Improved – Greatly improved performace of the Edit Route page.

Version 1.9.206  Release – 14 november 2023

  • Improved – The Route Statistics page now shows penalties in chronological order.

Version 1.9.197  Release – 20 july 2023

  • Added – Introduced the Live Route Creator, enabling you to enter control-points into the Rallycheck platform while driving a route.

Version 1.9.195  Release – 15 june 2023

  • Added – The Edit Route page now shows key ‘Getting Started’-instructions for new Rallies.
  • Improved – Organisers can now opt to receive a copy of mails sent to Participants without valid Rallycheck accounts.

Version 1.9.194  Release – 06 june 2023

  • Added – It is now possible to mark controls as ‘Hidden’, which hides the controls on the results presented to the Participants.
  • Improved – Increased reliability for the Edit Route page.
  • Improved – Improved performance for the Edit Rally page.

Version 1.9.193  Release – 11 may 2023

  • Improved – The Time Card Overview now shows the time-based penalty score for each Participant.

Version 1.9.185  Release – 24 april 2023

  • Added – It is now possible to upload speed-measurements to load them into the results of a Rally

Version 1.9.184  Release – 12 april 2023

  • Improved – When generating Time Cards, the starttime-field is now automatically filled with the earliest Norm Passage Time in the route

Version 1.9.183  Release – 05 april 2023

  • Added – Option in the Marshal Overview to export all Marshal-app-links to an easily printable document with QR-codes for each Marshal-waypoint

Version 1.9.182  Release – 30 march 2023

  • Added – Option to generate Time Cards for the Legs in a Rally
  • Improved – Controls used in Results can now be removed from the mothercard
  • Improved – Generating QR-codes for the Rallycheck Scanner now also produces a Word-document for easy printing
  • Improved – It is now possible to configure separate penalties for going over or under the norm speed of an Exact Speed Control

Version 1.9.176  Release – 16 february 2023

  • Added – Option to generate QR-codes to be used with the Rallycheck Scanner

Version 1.9.174  Release – 06 february 2023

  • Improved – The Time Card Overview now shows Regularities and Tests (Bogey, Lap Consistency) in addition to the regular Time Controls
  • Improved – The Edit Route interface now allows saving a single Stage for big Rallies, which prevents issues when a multiple Stages of the Rally are being edited simultaneously

Version 1.9.169  Release – 19 december 2022

  • Added – Option to hide time results while they are still being verified.
  • Added – Option to view the combined result card when verifying a Manual Entry Card.

Version 1.9.165  Release – 30 november 2022

  • Added – Option to mark Participants in a Rally as ‘Dropped Out’. This information is shown in serveral overviews, including Results, Marshals, Time Cards and Manual Entry Cards.

Version 1.9.160  Release – 14 november 2022

  • Added – Time Card Overview for Manual Entry Rallies, which provides convenient insight into the registered passage times and penalties for every Participant

Version 1.9.159  Release – 31 october 2022

  • Added – Link to publically available results for an Equipe in individual results
  • Added – Option to automatically insert starting list times in the Marshal-overview, letting Organisers quickly submit correct stage-starts for every Participant
  • Added – ‘Save all’-button for the Marshal-overview, which saves any new/edited marshal Hits
  • Added – ‘Quick Navigation’ for individual results, letting Organisers swiftly navigate to the next/previous result, of to the result of a specific starting number

Version 1.9.150  Release – 22 september 2022

  • Added – Option to send an email to all Participants in a Rally that don’t have the required Rallycheck account yet
  • Added – Option to use control-images from other Rallies you manage, instead of having to upload the same images for every Rally individually

Version 1.9.147  Release – 06 september 2022

  • Added – Option to specify a time period in which a control is active
  • Improved – Control-images are now shown in the road maps

Version 1.9.144 Release – 16 august 2022

  • Improved – Increased visual clarity for neutral or false controls with an image

Version 1.9.143 Release – 16 august 2022

  • Improved – Waypoint-options have been simplified

Version 1.9.142 Release – 15 august 2022

  • Added – Option to mark controls as Ex Aequo Controls. Time-penalties on these controls will only count towards the Ex Aequo-score of a Result

Version 1.9.141 Release – 09 august 2022

  • Improved – The Total Results-overview for a Rally now shows additional contextual information regarding the Participants and their Results

Version 1.9.140 Release – 08 august 2022

  • Added – Organisers can now enter a short message that will be shown to Participants trying to load the Rally before it is active

Version 1.9.139 Release – 13 july 2022

  • Added – Visual indicator showing whether a Participant has loaded the Rally onto their device
  • Added – Flag-indicators showing the nationality associated with each User-account (admin only)

Version 1.9.137 Release – 04 july 2022

  • Added – Graphic visualization of measurements recorded within Quiet Zones, giving more insight into potential penalties

Version 1.9.135 Release – 23 june 2022

  • Added – option to mark waypoints as Road Book Instructions, which will be shown to participants while driving but will be excluded from any control cards, calculations or results

Version 1.9.134 Release – 16 june 2022

  • Added – export-button for the Marshal Overview, letting users download its contents as an Excel-file

Version 1.9.129 Release – 02 june 2022

  • Added – option to adjust the maximum penalty for specific controls in the mothercard

Version 1.9.128 Release – 31 may 2022

  • Added – option to add a score correction to a specific time-control, reducing all time-penalties for that control

Version 1.9.127 Release – 30 may 2022

  • Improved – performance for Marshal-overview

Version 1.9.124 Release – 10 may 2022

  • Added – timecontrol-overview showing which Participants were penalized for a time control

Version 1.9.120 Release – 3 may 2022

  • Improved – reduced the loading time of the marshal-waypoint overview page.

Version 1.9.119 Release – 2 may 2022

  • Added – speed marshal hits can now be edited through the marshal waypoint overview page.
  • Added – new speed marshal hits can now be created through the marshal waypoint overview page.

Version 1.9.118 Release – 28 april 2022

  • Added – option to ‘freeze’ results for a Stage, preventing future result-recalculations
  • Added – overview for Speed Violations in a Stage, showing which participants have been penalized for exceeding the norm speed

Version 1.9.117 Release – 28 april 2022

  • Added – the marshalwaypoint overview page now displays an additional column with the given registered penalties for the selected RC waypoint.
  • Added – the marshalwaypoint overview page now displays an additional column with the given registered speeds for the selected SC waypoint. 
  • Added – the marshalwaypoint overview page now displays the penalties per user in the count column.

Version 1.9.116 Release – 21 april 2022

  • Added – option to disable/enable Marshal-operated controls

Version 1.9.114 Release – 20 april 2022

  • Updated – specific Stages/Classes can now be selected when performing bulk result-recalculation

Version 1.9.113 Release – 14 april 2022

  • Added – ability to add new Marshal-control-times through Marshal Overview page

Version 1.9.111 Release – 13 april 2022

  • Added – ability to correct existing Marshal-control-times through Marshal Overview page

Version 1.9.109 Release – 13 april 2022

  • Added – Marshal-operated Speed Controls

Version 1.9.108 Release – 12 april 2022

  • Added – upload of Lap Consistency information to the participants score

Version 1.9.106 Release – 11 april 2022

  • Added – display of the Marshal’s log list on the Marshal page

Version 1.9.105 Release – 7 april 2022

  • Added – counter that dispalys the number of registered Marshal controls

Version 1.9.104 Release – 4 april 2022

  • Added – extra option for a maximum time penalty when reaching a TC before your Ideal Passage Time
  • Added – two new waypoint types, TC-IN-MARSHAL and TC-FINISH-MARSHAL
  • Updated – marshal page added selection of legs and stages

Version 1.9.101 Release – 1 april 2022

  • Updated – workflow of the Manual Entry Overview page (edit button)

Version 1.9.100 Release – 30 march 2022

  • Added – updated workflow for processing manual entry of control cards
  • Added – TC-Marshal times selectable per 30 seconds
  • Added – extra settings for making up lost time (admin only)

Version 1.9.97 Release – 29 march 2022

  • Added – integration with a Questions form on the results page that links to a specified ticket system
  • Added – the option to specify a specific display of results at the Leg / Stage / Class level

Version 1.9.96 Release – 29 march 2022

  • Added – the function to calculate incurred time penalties over multiple stages in a Leg of a rally

Version 1.9.95 Release – 24 march 2022

  • Updated – manual entry page for control card

Version 1.9.94 Release – 23 march 2022

  • Improved- performance improvements for the “Edit Route” page

Version 1.9.93 Release – 23 march 2022

  • Updated – compact manual entry page for control card

Version 1.9.92 Release – 22 march 2022

  • Added – compact printing of mothercard

Version 1.9.91 Release – 17 march 2022

  • Improved – display page of starting lists

Version 1.9.90 Release – 15 march 2022

  • Updated – explanation of Time Control penalties using IPT (Ideal Passage Time) and UIPT (updated Ideal Passage Time)

Version 1.9.89 Release – 14 march 2022

  • Improved – explanation of Time Control penalties using IPT (Ideal Passage Time) and UIPT (updated Ideal Passage Time)

Version 1.9.88 Release – 14 march 2022

  • Added – support for manual entry of control card by the rally organization (only for rallies with explicit manual entry by participants)

Version 1.9.87 Release – 10 march 2022

  • Added – support for excluding rally classes from penalty free lateness (they may not be late at Time Controls)

Version 1.9.86 Release – 7 march 2022

  • Added – new speed penalty type “10% Lineair”
  • Added – starting a rally with a TC-MARSHAL control

Version 1.9.85 Release – 28 february 2022

  • Added – support of participants manual input of the control card in the Rallycheck app
  • Added – support for the Hidden Time Control (HTC-Marshal) function of the Marshal app

Version 1.9.84 Release – 14 february 2022

  • Added – option to delete the last control in the Rallycheck app, menu “Edit Rally”  tab “Legs and Stages”

Version 1.9.81 Release – 24 january 2022

  • Added – Quiet Zone penalty calculation when exceeding speed limits

Version 1.9.80 Release – 17 january 2022

  • Added – default time zone per rally
  • Improved – refactoring user overview (administrators only)
  • Improved – refactoring calculation providers (administrators only)

Version 1.9.79 Release – 11 january 2022

  • Added – support for quiet zones with QZ-Entry and QZ-Exit controls
  • Added – Exact Speed Control and penalty options

Version 1.9.78 Release – 9 december 2021

  • Improved – custom score options for RC-MARSHAL control
  • Improved – organizer access to Marshal page for mailing

Version 1.9.77 Release – 7 december 2021

  • Added – custom score option for RC-Marshal control type
  • Added – the ability to edit the time stamp of a control
  • Added – custom email text for a marshal
  • Improved – layout of Rallies page
  • Improved – responsiveness of some buttons on mobile platforms

Version 1.9.76 Release – 24 november 2021

  • Added – Rallycheck marshal support with RC-Marshal and TC-Marschal control types

Version 1.9.75 Release – 1 november 2021

  • Added – copy rally function

Version 1.9.74 Release – 25 october 2021

  • Added – the ability to send messages to participants during the rally
  • Added – total results (real time) available in the Rallycheck app

Version 1.9.73 Release – 13 october 2021

  • Improved – neutralizing missed controls per participant in the case of multiple controls which are in sequence and all neutralized at once

Version 1.9.72 Release – 11 october 2021

  • Added – clickable live viewing of participant locations link in Rallycheck Portal
  • Improved – adding a custom score for participants
  • Improved – adding and deleting hit route controls per participant

Version 1.9.71 Release – 21 september 2021

  • Added – identifying when the Rallycheck app is pushed to the backgroud
  • Added – displaying the place and time when the Rallycheck app is sent to the background
  • Added – enabling and disabling the results app per rally
  • Added – viewing of status values for ignored and canceled controls

Version 1.9.68 Release – 27 august 2021

  • Added – possibility to send control card e-mail to all participants

Version 1.9.67 Release – 23 august 2021

  • Added – starting lists with multiple starts per minute

Version 1.9.66 Release – 18 august 2021

  • Added – extended status for waypoint / route controls

Version 1.9.65 Release – 17 august 2021

  • Bug fix – correct link from overview page to results page of a participant

Version 1.9.64 Release – 9 august 2021

  • Added – heartbeat function for the Edit route page in order to prevent page time out during editing
  • Added – bulk delete of Participants
  • Added – on the Edit route page, waypoints can only be deleted when they are not used in the results
  • Added – location of last known position of a rally Stage for older rallies (backward compatibility)

Version 1.9.63 Release –  5 august 2021

  • Updated – GPX function on Edit route page

Version 1.9.62 Release – 19 july 2021

  • Added – delete button for rallies is now available for all rally organizers
  • Improved – performace and funcitonality of the overview page
  • Added – importing and exporting a Rallycheck GPX file now with all the attributes of the Mother Card
  • Improved – when uploading the participants list, the production year or date of the participants car is determined more often, even when data is only partially available

Version 1.9.61 Release – 12 july 2021

  • Improved – When uploading an Excel sheet with participants, the selection and linkage to known Rallycheck users is improved

Version 1.9.60 Release – 5 july 2021

  • Added – Improved smartphone layout and responsiveness of the Management Portal for the rallies list and editing Participant information

Version 1.9.59 Release – 28 june 2021

  • Updated – Use of larger images for passage controls

Version 1.9.58 Release – 28 june 2021

  • Improved – changing a participants email address on the fly

Version 1.9.57 Release – 21 june 2021

  • Improved – click within the proximity radius of a waypoint on the “Edit route”
  • Bug Fix – mailing to invalid email address which has been uploaded via Excel
  • Added – drive a stage over multiple days (the rally organizer has the option to disable a stage timout)

Version 1.9.56 Release – 16 june 2021

  • Improved – on the fly update of a participants email address

Version 1.9.55 Release – 7 june 2021

  • Added – the option to prevent participants using one Rallycheck account on multiple phones, at the same time, for the same rally
  • Added – control program to detect rallies with overlapping route controls (for admin use only)
  • Added – the option to add or delete controls on the participants control card on the combined control card page
  • Improved – specification of the costs of a rally per class
  • Improved – extra sorting options for starting lists (sorting by surname, car make etc.)
  • Improved – multiple verification of an account does no longer generates an error

Version 1.9.54 Release – 26 may 2021

  • Added – color for display of added route controls on a participants control card by the organization
  • Added – route statistics page
  • Added – automatic linking of a new rally to an organization

Version 1.9.53 Release – 17 may 2021

  • Added – rally organizers can now add extra organizers to a rally
  • Added – rally organizers can now see a list of all organizers of their rally
  • Added – extra check to prevent overlapping of way points on the edit route page

Version 1.9.52 Release – 11 may 2021

  • Added – check for at least one Start and one Finish control in each rally stage. A warning message is shown in a pop up

Version 1.9.51 Release – 11 may 2021

  • Improved – default penalty score for regularities has been set to 1 penalty point per second (only applicable to new rallies)
  • Improved – real time results are now enabled by default
  • Improved – real time results kan be enabled and disabled by the rally organization
  • Improved – the “enable editing” button on the participants overview page has been removed. This option is available on the participants results page

Version 1.9.50 Release – 10 may 2021

  • Improved – display of  selected rally dates on the Total Results page in the case of multi day rally stages

Version 1.9.49 Release – 10 may 2021

  • Added – the function to edit a participants control card on the participants Results page

Version 1.9.48 Release – 7 may 2021

  • Update – use of a different open street maps tile provider within Rallycheck

Version 1.9.47 Release – 29 april 2021

  • Bug fix – display of the road map on the Participant overview page  in combination with the ETP update

Version 1.9.46 Release – 28 april 2021

  • Added – Exact Timing Point control (ETP), with this control the exact passage time can be used
  • Improved – calculation of Lap Consistency real time results
  • Improved – download of Excel sheet with rally results including tie-break information

Version 1.9.45 Release – 10 april 2021

  • Bug fix – repair of the bearing function on the “edit route control” pop-up

Version 1.9.44 Release – 9 april 2021

  • Added – Image Gallery on the Edit Rally page
  • Added – assign an image to a passage control or time control etc.
  • Added – display of images on the participants control card

Version 1.9.43 Release – 6 april 2021

  • Improved- online and Excel usage reports

Version 1.9.41 Release – 17 march 2021

  • Added – calculation and display of Lap Consistency results

Version 1.9.40 Release – 15 march 2021

  • Added – display of the passage control on the participants results page pop-up of a registered way point

Version 1.9.39 Release – 8 march 2021

  • Added – In-app results for individual results per participant

Version 1.9.38 Release – 2 march 2021

  • Improved – usage module, removed results calculation specification and added column for type of car (Organizer, Participant, course Car)

Version 1.9.37 Release – 22 february 2021

  • Added – Menu option “Apps” per rally, with this option you can manage extra menu options in the Rallycheck Android and iPhone apps

Version 1.9.35 Release – 8 february 2021

  • Added – automatic configuration of tariffs when a stage is created

Version 1.9.34 Release – 3 february 2021

  • Improved – error messages when uploading invalid GPX file
  • Improved – error message when attempting to overwrite existing stages during GPX upload
  • Improved – display time of error messages are longer
  • Improved – support of appending waypoints to a current stage during GPX upload
  • Improved – overwriting waypoints of a stage of a rally which has not yet been driven
  • Added – validation of used Rallycheck account in order to prevent multiple participants with the same Rallycheck account in one rally

Version 1.9.33 Release – 28 january 2021

  • Improved – when deleting a Class, extra check to make sure no results are available for this Class before deleting the Class
  • Improved – display of last hit (passage) control in the Results list

Version 1.9.32 Release – 18 january 2021

  • Added – Tie Break results option for rallies on the Edit Rally – Results Calculation page
  • Added – extra column for Tie Break sorting on the results pages, only when enabled for the rally
  • Added – input field per Participant for Tie Break score on the Participants Rally Result Overview page in the Management Portal
  • Improved – selections of stage and sorting of table are remembered on the Rally Results  page

Version 1.9.30 Release – 12 january 2021

  • Added – real time results calculation, a rally organizer can see the results calculation of a Participant after each hit Passage Control

Version 1.9.29 Release – 6 january 2021

  • Improved – download of Participants list Excel template without mixed content

Version 1.9.28 Release – 4 january 2021

  • Added – extra calculation option for speed penalties
  • Improved – calculation of rallies using TC-START in combination with a starting list
  • Improved – display of extra hit passage controls in the most logical sequence of controls on the combined control card in the results page

Version 1.9.26 Release – 22 december 2020

  • Improved – sorting of results in the results list

Version 1.9.25 Release – 22 december 2020

  • Added – custom score elements. rally organizations can manually add or subtract points from a participants result
  • Improved – results with a score of 0 points are displayed properly

Version 1.9.24 Release – 16 december 2020

  • Added – support in the calculation module for groups of combinations, including the possibility to define these groups of combinations in the Rallycheck Management Portal
  • Added – when creating a rally, the Rallycheck calculation module is added to the rally by default
  • Added – when creating a rally, the tripmaster function is turned on by default
  • Added – when adding a class to a rally, the tripmaster function is turned on by default

Version 1.9.23 Release – 14 december 2020

  • Added – unknown passage controls and incorrect passage controls are shown in a white background on the combined control card

Version 1.9.22 Release – 10 december 2020

  • Added – separate settings for Penalty Free Lateness at TC-START, TC, TC-IN and TC-FINISH

Version 1.9.21 Release – 2 december 2020

  • Added – separate setting for “penalty free early” at a TC-FINISH
  • Added – settings for displaying mothercard and combined control card for participants results page

Version 1.9.2 Release – 27 november 2020

  • Added – combined control card and mother card view of missed controls

Version 1.9.01 Release – 26 november 2020

  • Bug fix – minor fix for selecting jump menu multiple times on one page

Version 1.9.0 Release – 25 november 2020

  • Updated – removal of controls improved in relation to calculated results
  • Added – sending of results email to both driver and co-driver

Version 1.8.9 Release – 24 november 2020

  • Updated – Edit option on the overview page so missing Start and Finish controls can be added more easily

Version 1.8.8 Release – 19 november 2020

  • Updated – Total Results page Excel download button disabled when no results are available
  • Updated – Results page recalculation of scores improved and progress bar implemented for larger recalculations
  • Updated – Results page improved sorting of the score column

Version 1.8.4 Release – 13 november 2020

  • Updated – Total Results page now selects the last rally date as default
  • Updated – Total Results page print layout improved
  • Added – Total Results page download of results as Excel file
  • Added – Total Results page, a direct link tot the Participants control card when clicking on the score of a stage

Version 1.8.3 Release – 12 november 2020

  • Bug Fix – improved display of the list of rallies

Version 1.8.2 Release – 11 november 2020

  • Updated – larger map on Results page, including full screen option
  • Updated – larger map on Participants overview page, including full screen option

Version 1.8.1 Release – 9 november 2020

  • Updated – calculation module, tests with Bogey time
  • Updated – delete starting list option

Version 1.8.0 Release – 4 november 2020

  • Updated – calculation module regularities

Version 1.7.9 Release – 2 november 2020

  • Bug Fix – improved display of rally status (Achtive True/False)

Version 1.7.8 Release – 2 november 2020

  • Updated – calculation module explanation text

Version 1.7.7 Release – 27 october 2020

  • Updated – calculation module speed controls

Version 1.7.6 Release – 26 october 2020

  • Updated – calculation module time controls

Version 1.7.5 Release – 23 october 2020

  • Bug Fix – display of old route controls when driven route has been archived

Version 1.7.4 Release – 21 october 2020

  • Added – Norm Bogey Time (NBT) for speed tests added to route controls
  • Added – specification of the speed penalty calculation

Version 1.7.3 Release – 19 october 2020

  • Added – TC-START time control for use at the scheduled start of a stage

Version 1.7.2 Release – 14 october 2020

  • Updated – calculation module

Version 1.7.1 Release – 12 october 2020

  • Added – registration page for the Rallycheck Management Portal
  • Updated – calculation module, options added including help function

Version 1.7.0 Release – 5 october 2020

  • Improved – starting list default selection of Class

Version 1.6.9 Release – 5 october 2020

  • Added – calculation module, first version

Version 1.6.8 Release – 1 october 2020

  • Added – starting list function, first version

Version 1.6.7 Release – 24 september 2020

  • Added – Lap Consistency (LC) control
  • Added – Lap Consistency definition of penalties on the “Penalty points” tab of the “Edit Rally” page
  • Added – Speed check bogey time definition of penalties on the “Penalty points” tab of the “Edit Rally” page

Version 1.6.6 Release – 23  september 2020

  • Added – on the “Edit rally”, “Results Calculation” tab the option to enable viewing of missed Passage and Time Controls on the Participants results page, this option is on by default
  • Added – rally officials can be labeled as “Course Car” in the Participants list. This ensures a different billing

Version 1.6.5 Release – 14 august 2020

  • Added – extra information when adding a Start or Finish control to a participants Control Card on the Overview page
  • Added – extra logging of adding and deleting of controls on the participants Control Card
  • Added – viewing of the log bij admin user
  • Improved – selection of a rally on the Overview pagine

Version 1.6.4 Release – 13 august 2020

  • Added – save phone type and OS when registering new account
  • Bug fix – save of TC-IN time on results calculation page

Version 1.6.3 Release – 11 august 2020

  • Added – management of calculation providers
  • Added – calculation provider database
  • Updated – communication with calculation provider

Version 1.6.2 Release – 5 august 2020

  • Added – File Management module
  • Removed – old explanation document upload

Version 1.6.0 Release – 27 july 2020

  • Added – display of missed controls on the road map on the Results page of a Participant
  • Added – button to show or hide the missed controls
  • Added – display of the bearing of a way point on the road map on the Results page of a Participant

Version 1.5.7 Release – 22 july 2020

  • Improved – use of quotes in the Instruction field of a control
  • Improved – use of quotes in the Explanation field of a control
  • Added – translation of phone type to commercial phone name
  • Added – Rallycheck usage history per participant (for admin)
  • Improved – emptying of Instruction field of a control
  • Improved – emptying of Explanation field of a control
  • Added – support of browsers on handheld devices for adding Participants

Version 1.5.6 Release – 17 july 2020

  • Added – Total Results print page displays the rally class
  • Improved – improved Total Results print layout and online Total Results is more responsive to scaling

Version 1.5.5 Release – 16 july 2020

  • Added – Upgraded invoicing module with usage reports for organizations
  • Added – Language setting for organization

Version 1.5.4 Release – 14 july 2020

  • Added – standard selection of date, competitors sorting and handling of multiple starts in invoicing module

Version 1.5.3 Release – 13 july 2020

  • Improved – management of organizations in the invoicing module
  • Added – GUI for linking rallies to rally organizations

Version 1.5.1 Release – 9 july 2020

  • Added – jump menu to user rally results page

Version 1.5.0 Release – 6 july 2020

  • Improved – interface with calculation module

Version 1.4.9 Release – 3 july 2020

  • Updated – Display of Class in the start rally email to organizers
  • Improved- linking rallies to organizations in the invoicing module

Version 1.4.8 Release – 1 july 2020

  • Improved – Hardening of synchronisation protocol between app and server
  • Added – Exception logging of synchronisation protocol
  • Added – Rally organization and calculation of use for invoicing
  • Added – Mini Mother Card on results page next to actual controls
  • Added – Link to online controle card in email always set, even if start is missed
  • Updated – Layout of start email for organization

Version 1.4.7 Release – 22 june 2020

  • Added – Download GPX option per Leg/Stage/Class on “Edit Route” page

Version 1.4.6 Release – 19 june 2020

  • Added- on the “Edit Rally” page, tab “Penalty Points” regularity time penalties can now be defined to two decimal points
  • Improved – the roadmap on the the “Edit Route” page zooms out less often, this creates a more sttable interface
  • Improved- a pop up message is shown on the “Edit Route” page if you leave this page and there are still updates pending
  • Improved- the “Update route” button on the “Edit Route” page now has two colours depending on the state of the page. If there are no changes, the button will be greyed, if changes are pending, the button will be green
  • Bug-fix – when uploading a GPX file, the “Bearing” option is processed correctly, even when other bearing variables are set

Version 1.4.5 Release – 16 june 2020

  • Added – Tripmaster option per class in “Edit Rally”, “Classes” tab

Version 1.4.4 Release – 10 june 2020

  • Added – reporting module in order to create invoices
  • Improved https support on overview page
  • Update – “Total Results” page for improved sorting of results
  • Update – Results calculation uses correct UTC time

Version 1.4.3 Release – 9 june 2020

  • Bug-fix – Function to resend email to a participant at a later date, the link in the mail to the control card and driven route fixed
  • Results immediately visible for users option added in the “Edit Rally” menu “Results calculation” settings tab
  • Update – Mail message after passing a Finish control to be sent if the participant is the organizer and is not included in a rally class

Version 1.4.2 Release – 3 june 2020

  • Mail Control Card to Participants  option added in the “Edit Rally” menu “General” settings tab
  • When Mail Control Card to Participants is disabled, the “Resend mail” button is unavailable on the results page
  • Bug fix – Resolved issue when saving waypoints and a rally name contains special characters
  • Update – Overview page shows active rally stages of the last two days (default) and can be overridden
  • Update – Overview page performance enhanced
  • Improved handling of “Delete” function of a Stage

Version 1.4.1 Release – 12 may 2020

  • Update “Results” page for organizers to better view  Legs and Stages
  • Remove temporary message for development phase of Legs and Stages
  • Remove former Stage settings from “Edit Rally” page

Version 1.4.0 Release – 12 may 2020

  • Update for support Legs and Stages for rallies consisting of multiple days and multiple stages

Version 1.3.2 Release – 6 may 2020

  • Map switcher to support satellite view
  • Javascript improvements for Bearing values
  • XSS injection fix for some input fields

Version 1.3.1 Release – 4 may 2020

  • Bug-fix for upload of GPX file

Version 1.3.0 Release – 16 april 2020

  • Disabled constraint for using only one browser tab for Rallycheck

Version 1.2.9 Release – 10 april 2020

  • Added organizers information to the list of rallies

Version 1.2.8 Release – 2 april 2020

  • Hosting a number of software components ourselves in order to reduce dependency on CDN systems (momentjs, moment timezone, jqueryui)
  • Legs, stages and sessions table added to the database
  • Legs & stages tab added to “Edit Rally” page
  • When creating a rally, a default leg and stage will automatically be included
  • Rallycheck can only be opened in one browser tab in order to prevent conflicts when simultaneously editing multiple rallies

Version 1.2.7 Release – 16 march 2020

  • Class is a required field when creating a Participant
  • Rally results overview is only 1 table
  • Rally results overview shows the last saved route control
  • Total results can be filtered per Class
  • Total results shows the actual score, not the number of missed controls
  • Updated email templates for Class and Starting no.
  • Fix voor results chart on settings page
  • Fix voor reading result log

Version 1.2.6 Release – 3 march 2020

  • Mother Control Card supports multiple rally Classes
  • Route Control can be created with the selection of the relevant Class
  • Route Control can be added to, or removed from a Class
  • Participants, linked to a Class, receive the relevant controls for their Class in the Rallycheck app
  • Participants, not linked to a Class, receive all controls of the stage in the Rallycheck app
  • Organizers can create their own rallies in the Portal
  • Administrators can select the organizer when creating a rally
  • On the road map, controls can be viewed per Class or all controls of all Classes of the rally can be viewed
  • The road map shows the controls per Class, so colors of the controls can differ, depending on their function
  • When deleting a control the following scenario’s are supported:
    • The control will be deleted if it only occurs once, for only one class
    • The selected version of the control will be deleted if the control occurs multiple times
    • The organizer will be prompted to select the Class(es) in which the control should be deleted, if the control occurs in multiple classes
  • The NovusLeo calculation module has been linked to the Rallycheck portal
  • Support of time penalties when calculating results

Version 1.2.5 Release – 20 february 2020 

  • Added Classes to some lists and Route Control Cards

Version 1.2.4 Release – 19 february 2020 

  • Added jump menu on all Rally pages to improve navigation within a rally
  • Improved colors of Route controls on Route Control Card in Overview and results screens
  • Improveds roundslider when editiing bearing of a route control
  • Added Classes to a rally (phase 1)
    • When creating a rally, it automatically has one class, called “Touring”
    • On the “Edit Rally” page each rally has a tab for management of classes
      • Create, view, edit and delete classes
      • Last class can not be deleted
      • List of classes can be ordered
      • Classes with active participants can not be deleted
  • Participants can be added to a Class on the “Participant” pages
  • When uploading Participants, the class in the upload file is selected for the participant (if the class is defined in the portal)

Version 1.2.3 Release – 13 february 2020

  • Added bearing (driving direction) to the passage and time controls
  • Improved user interface for editing Waypoint
  • Improved layout when printing results from Firefox and Safari browsers
  • Bug fix for date selection on results page in Safari browser
  • Overview page shows starting number (op de road map), if there is no starting number, a user id will be shown
  • Overview page, user tab is sorted bij starting number
  • Overview –> User Rally page has improved interface for double controls
  • Overview –> User Rally page has the same interface as the Edit Route page
  • Rally –> User Result page has improved interface for double controls
  • Rally –> User Result has the same interface as the Edit Route page
  • Fixed date issue when selecting a start or finish date/time for a rally

Version 1.2.2b Release – 6 februari 2020

  • Bug fix concerning the repositioning of a waypoint on the road map that has multiple occurrences on the mother card

Version 1.2.2a Release – 5 february 2020

  • Improved upload of media files on Edit Rally page

Version 1.2.2 Release – 28 january 2020

  • Added option for use of participants list to all rallies (mandatory option)
  • Added option for visibility of a rally in the app only on specified rally days (mandatory option)

Version 1.2.1 Release – 21 january 2020

  • Improved penalty points options for TC-IN
  • Added Multi Language support for email messages

Version 1.2.0 Release – 16 january 2020

  • Added TC-IN and TC-FINISH controls
  • Added English / Dutch support of email messages for rally participants and organizations
  • Updated “Edit Rally” page with the following setting tabs:
    • General
    • Media
    • Penalty points
    • Results calculation
  • Added menu item “Settings” for administrators with
    • statistics of use
    • logging information
  • Improved security of the Portal environment

Version 1.1.0-1 Release – 24 december 2019

  • Improved display of  time without GPS signal on overview page
  • Improved display of competitor names on overview page

Version 1.1.0 Release – 23 december 2019

  • Time Control (TC) added, including Norm PAssage TIme (NPT)
  • Added Norm Regularity Time (NRT)
  • Added Norm Speed (NS) for speed controls
  • Updated user interface for passage controls on the roadmap
  • Colour coding of controls that are used in more than one instance on the mother card. This is shown when the passage controls have multiple meanings (good, false, neutral)
  • Updated date selection on participants page
  • Upload of participants displays an improved message
  • Browser storage cleared at login/logout

Versie 1.0.4 Release –  december 2019

  • Technical updates and improvements

Versie 1.0.3 Release –  december 2019

  • Improved security of the portal

Version 1.0.2 Release – 2 december 2019

  • New header in result & overview detail screen.
  • Fixed calculation of GPS availability in detail screens
  • Improved adding start/finish waypoint on driven rallies
  • Improve loading times
  • Create stages for users who miss Start-RC
  • Show times in timezone of user (detail screens & e-mail link to user)

Version 1.0.1 Release – 22 november 2019

  • Added a number of functions
    • Results
    • Participants
    • Mothercard
    • Exports
    • Imports
  • enhanced security

Version 1.0.0 Release – August 2019

First release

Version release

The Rallycheck results page is the site where a competitor can see the results and explanation of the rally.The site will be updated in the near future as a comprehensive results site for all Rallycheck rallies.
This page shows all the current and previous releases of the results site.

Version 1.0.101 Release – 27 june 2024

  • Improved – It is now possible to navigate to other results by the same equipe in the Rally.
  • Improved – The Result-page now shows when the result was calculated.

Version 1.0.98 Release – 13 may 2024

  • Added – It is now possible to show the driven route on the roadmap for equipes with a location tracker.

Version 1.0.97 Release – 06 june 2023

  • Improved – A Rally-Organiser can now opt to omit controls from the result-page.

Version 1.0.96 Release – 27 february 2023

  • Improved – Scores influenced by certain Rally-settings now have more detailed descriptions.

Version 1.0.95 Release – 11 january 2023

  • Improved – The result-page presented to participants can now properly handle extremely long stages

Version 1.0.94 Release – 10 january 2023

  • Improved – The live overview for a Rally no longer shows Course Cars

Version 1.0.93 Release – 19 december 2022

  • Added – Option to hide time results from Participants while their time card is still being verified.

Version 1.0.85 Release – 06 september 2022

  • Improved – Control-images are now shown in the road map

Version 1.0.84 Release – 16 august 2022

  • Improved – Increased visual clarity for neutral or false controls with an image

Version 1.0.83 Release – 15 august 2022

  • Added – Support for Ex Aequo Controls, which only count toward the Ex Aequo-score of a Result

Version 1.0.80 Release – 4 july 2022

  • Added – Graphic visualization of measurements recorded within Quiet Zones, giving more insight into potential penalties

Version 1.0.77 Release – 23 june 2022

  • Added – support for Road Book Instructions, which will be shown to participants while driving but will be excluded from any control cards, calculations or results

Version 1.0.67 Release – 12 april 2022

  • Updated – translations for the new explanation text for the Lap Consistency tests

Version 1.0.68 Release – 6 april 2022

  • Updated – some extra translations for all supported languages

Version 1.0.67 Release – 29 march 2022

  • Added – questions form at the bottom of the results page which links to our ticket system for applicable rallies
  • Added – the option to view specific results at the Leg / Stage / Class level, depending on the settings of the rally

Version 1.0.63 Release – 15 march 2022

  • Updated – explanation of Time Control penalties using IPT (Ideal Passage Time) and UIPT (updated Ideal Passage Time)

Version 1.0.62 Release – 14 march 2022

  • Improved – explanation of Time Control penalties using IPT (Ideal Passage Time) and UIPT (updated Ideal Passage Time)

Version 1.0.61 Release – 7 march 2022

  • Added – new calculation type for Speed Control penalties

Version 1.0.60 Release – 28 february 2022

  • Added – support of extra status for manually entered controls

Version 1.0.59 Release – 24 january 2022

  • Added – Quiet Zone penalty calculation when exceeding speed limits

Version 1.0.57 Release – 7 december 2021

  • Added – when edited by the organizer of the rally, display of updated time stamp on the participant control card

Version 1.0.56 Release – 24 november 2021

  • Added – display of results entered by TC-Marshal and RC-Marshal

Version 1.0.52 Release – 27 september 2021

  • Updated – improved display of manually added controls
  • Bug fix – improved calculation of time that the Rallycheck app has been pushed to the background

Version 1.0.51 Release – 21 september 2021

  • Added – identifying when the Rallycheck app has been pushed to the background and display of this information on the driven route and the summary of “non-GPS” time

Version 1.0.46 Release – 18 august 2021

  • Added – extended status for waypoints / route controls

Version 1.0.45 Release – 28 june 2021

  • Updated – Use of larger images for passage controls

Version 1.0.44 Release – 14 june 2021

  • Added – status for way points that have been deleted by the rally organisation on a participants level. Way points with a deleted status will not be shown on the results pages, even if the participant has “hit” the way point

Version 1.0.43 Release – 31 may 2021

  • Added – facebook like button on results page

Version 1.0.42 Release – 26 may 2021

  • Added – color coding on a route control that has been added to the participants control card by the rally organization

Version 1.0.41 Release – 17 may 2021

  • Improved – handling of a request of rally results when none are available. There is no visible change for participants as this is handled by the back-end software

Version 1.0.38 Release – 22 april 2021

  • Improved – the option to toggle between a roadmap and a map of the terrain
  • Improved – the order and amount of information on the results page

Version 1.0.37 Release – 9 april 2021

  • Added – display of images on the participants control card

Version 1.0.36 Release – 7 april 2021

  • Improved – display of PDF documents in the Rallycheck apps for iOS and Android versions

Version 1.0.35 Release – 17 march 2021

  • Added – display of Lap Consistency results

Version 1.0.34 Release – 15 march 2021

  • Updated – display of a hit way point on the results page pop-up of a
  • Added – clean up of old rally explanation documents

Version 1.0.33 Release – 3 february 2021

  • Improved- display of speed margin for DHRC 2020 speed calculation

Version 1.0.32 Release – 27 january 2021

  • Updated – display of route control card with special characters in the name of the rally
  • Added – sentry application monitoring

Version 1.0.31 Release – 25 january 2021

  • Improved – display of route control card and route when other options (results, missed controls, mother card, combined control card) are disabled

Version 1.0.30 Release – 21 january 2021

  • Updated – default digital rally shield shown if the organization does not have a rally shield
  • Improved – listing of zero penalties for passage controls

Version 1.0.28 Release – 18 january 2021

  • Updated – new explanation added for a new type of speed control penalty calculation
  • Added – Tie Break options for results

Version 1.0.26 Release – 5 january 2021

  • Bug fix – correct display of calculated speed control penalties

Version 1.0.25 Release – 4 january 2021

  • Improved – display of the roadmap when a situation explanation has new lines in the text
  • Improved – when applicable the hit time of a control, without the date, will be shown on the combined control card

Version 1.0.24 Release – 24 december 2020

  • Improved – display of results with zero penalty points

Version 1.0.23 Release – 22 december 2020

  • Added – display of custom score elements on the results page of a participant

Version 1.0.22 Release – 18 december 2020

  • Bug fix – correct display of a missed passage control on combined control card

Version 1.0.21 Release – 14 december 2020

  • Added – unknown passage controls and incorrect passage controls are shown in a white background on the combined control card

Version 1.0.20 Release – 10 december 2020

  • Added – new information for “Penalty Free Lateness”

Version 1.0.19 Release – 3 december 2020

  • Improved – use of correct color for neutral TC controls on control cards
  • Improved – informational pop-ups on control card limited to “one at a time”

Version 1.0.17 Release – 2 december 2020

  • Added – display of mother card an combined control card on the results page

Version 1.0.16 Release – 20 november 2020

  • Improved – display of missed passage controls in a combination of controls

Version 1.0.15 Release – 17 november 2020

  • Added – display of control card and results with new selection of rally stage, including fallback for legacy stages (no visible difference for participant)

Version 1.0.14 Release – 17 november 2020

  • Improved – explanation and translations for TC penalties

Version 1.0.12 Release – 10 november 2020

  • Added – update for Bogey Time in results

Version 1.0.11 Release – 9 november 2020

  • Added – support of Rallycheck calculation module
  • Improved – display of roadmap with waypoints when no route logs exist
  • Added – display of pop-up with situation explanation for a waypoint on the roadmap

Version 1.0.10 Release – 19 october 2020

  • Improved – handling of quotes in text fields

Version 1.0.9 Release – 24 september 2020

  • Added – updated text for speed penalty explanation
  • Improved – neutral time controls have an adjusted colour
  • Improved – language support of hide/show control botton

Version 1.0.8 Release – 23 september 2020

  • Added – viewing of missed Passage and Time controls on the road map of the Praticipants Results page
  • Removed – black/red/blue display of extra information for controls that are used more than once

Version 1.0.7 Release – 25 august 2020

  • Updated – improved route control card display

Version 1.0.1 Release – 24 august 2020

  • Added – phone information
  • Added – GPS accuracy information
  • Added – results information (if available)
  • Added – route control card
  • Added – driven route on the roadmap
  • Added – Legs, Stages and Classes are only shown when relevant
  • Added – start and finish time of the stage are always shown

Version 1.0.0 Release – 5 augustus 2020

  • Initial version of the results page, available to competitors via an email link after completing a rally stage

Version release Rallycheck Results App

The Rallycheck Results App is a collection of app’s which is freely available to users without the need to log in. In the app all rallies can be viewed if the rally organization has enabled this feature. There is a generic app, and also a Results App per organisation.
This page shows all the current and previous releases of the Results app.

Version 1.1.0 Release – 8 november 2021

  • Added – text at the bottom op the page to clarify icons
  • Added – filter for Leg and/or Stage of a rally
  • Added – on the settings page, the ability to change the font size in the app
  • Added – on the settings page an option to automatically refresh results. This is done once every three minutes
  • Added – 404 page
  • Added – information about the rally organisation is received from the Rallycheck management portal
  • Added – the column for car make, model and year, is no longer displayed if this information is unavailable for all participants

Version 1.0.7 Release – 26 october 2021

  • Added – use of Sentry application monitoring
  • Improved – combined participants list and results list
  • Improved – user experience of search field
  • Improved – user experience with “show more” button
  • Added – starting lists, when applicable
  • Improved – a number of changes in the user experience based on feedback of our UX research

Version 1.0.6 Release – september 2021

  • First release of the Results App

Version release Marshal App

The Marshal App integrates with the Rallycheck environment. A Marshal can log the TC time of a participant or can penalty points at (speed) tests. This page shows all current and previous releases of the Marshal App.

Version 2.1.0 Release – 12 april 2023

  • Added – additional input option for TC marshal input. You can now toggle input via keypad through the settings menu.

Version 2.0.0 Release – 30 november 2022

  • Improved – The workflow of the marshal application has been simplified, making the application much easier in usage.
  • Added – Translations have been added to the marshal application, the application can now be used in dutch, english, french, german, spanish and polish.
  • Added – A minimap has been added to the landing page of the marshal application. This map displays the location of the waypoint and the current location of the user.

Version Release – 30 may 2022

  • Improved – Support of google translate in web browser.
  • Improved – Sending marshal results in batches to the Rallycheck server.

Version 1.3.10 Release – 3 may 2022

  • Improved – posting a large amount of equipes at once now has a reduced waiting time within the check-out window of the marshal app.

Version 1.3.10 Release – 2 may 2022

  • Improved – Update for check-out waypoint page, sending unsent data performance enhancement.

Version 1.3.10 Release – 20 april 2022

  • Updated – functionality HTC Marshal to enhance user experience on older devices
  • Updated – general user experience for older devices
  • Updated – performace for sending and retrieving data
  • Added – a new redirect when entering an incorrect url

Version 1.3.9 Release – 13 april 2022

  • Updated – optimalisation of loading times within the marshal application
  • Updated – user input functionality for Speedmarshal
  • Added – speed marshal controls to the marshal application

Version 1.3.8 Release – 4 april 2022

  • Improved – use of local and remote storage of the Marshal app

Version 1.3.7 Release – 1 april 2022

  • Updated – display of local time instead of UTC time when fetching previously posted times

Version 1.3.5 Release – 30 march 2022

  • Added – time control selection per 30 seconds
  • Improved – a number of technical updates to improve the user experience

Version 1.3.3 Release – 17 march 2022

  • Added – a number of updates for the user experience

Version 1.2.1 Release – 28 february 2022

  • Added – extra function for HTC-MARSHAL  (Hidden Time Control)

Version 1.1 Release – 23 february 2022

  • Updated – scroll function for TC-MARSHAL function

Version 0.9.1 Release – 22 december 2021

  • Added – update sync with server in order to display previously registered TC times in the Marshal App
  • Added – update sync with server in order to display previously registered penalties in the Marshal App
  • Added – back button
  • Improved – minor updates in the Marshal App

Version 0.8.2 Release – november 2021

  • First release of the Marshal App

Version release Rallycheck Scanner

The Rallycheck Scanner lets Participants register themselves at unmanned Time Controls by scanning a personal QR-code.

This page shows all the current and previous releases of the Scanner.

Version 1.0.4 Release – 16 march 2023

  • Added – Use of the back-facing camera on the device can now be enabled in the configuration-screen
  • Added – The Scanner can now be configured through the Manager to show the Rally-name on screen

Version 1.0.0 Release – 16 february 2023

  • Released – The Rallycheck Scanner is now available!

Version release Rallycheck WordPress plugin

The Rallycheck WordPress plugin is available for rally websites. With this plugin you will be able to connect your Website the the Rallycheck environment.
This page shows all the current and previous releases of the plugin.

Version 1.0.1 Release – 13 october 2021

  • Improved – linking the correct class of a rally to a participant

Version 1.0.0 Release – 24 december 2020

  • Initial version of the Rallycheck WordPress plugin
  • Link a WordPress website to the Rallycheck Management Portal
  • Link a rally to the Rallycheck Management Portal so successful orders will be entered as Participants to a rally