Entries by Rallycheck isource

Rallycheck voor iPhone on the App Store

On August 15 2019 we released the iPhone version of the Rallycheck app. Clik on the link to download the app now! The Rallycheck app was already available for Android and with the new addition of the iPhone version of the app our Rallycheck system now available for all your rallies. The iPone version of […]

Rallycheck Portal live!

The Rallycheck Portal for rally organizations is available . https://my.rallycheck.com Rally organizations can use the portal to place route controls on a roadmap. You can add all types of attributes t the control, time controls etc. etc. In the portal you can also follow all competitors in  “near real time”mode. you will know exactly where […]

iPhone versie Rallycheck in testfase

De iPhone versie van de Rallycheck app wordt momenteel getest. We willen zo snel mogelijk de iPhone versie in de Apple App Store beschikbaar stellen. uiteraard doen we dat pas na uitgebreid testen en controle van de werking. De iPhone versie werkt goed, dat zijn de bevindingen na de eerste tests. De test periode zal […]